Emre Cicek
professional Logo design
brand identity

brand story

We Are Professional systematic recruitment of employees by qualified specialists, managers, and trainees for construction, trade, and industrial companies. They want their business to stand out and get a professional logo so they fall in love with their brand and love the logo.

The Logo Challenge

an icon that is relevant to the brand initials also they want their name to be the core branding strong point  the client needs a professional logo that makes the business stand out  he wanted a logo that is simple and memorable  especially in printing and digital materials as they will use it mainly in their website

My Solution to these challenges

After my discussion with the client , I decided to create monogram like logo style from the c and b letter in small case of the letters and make them connecting together to reflect the connection between the employees and companies , they loved their logo and feel that now they feels that their business  now stand out

Let's have a look on the refinement process ?

The refinement process is done to make sure the logo is balanced in spacing and kerning so we have the perfect balanced logo shape that is simple and  professionally done, my client needed a logo that is relevant to the business so their business can stand out, that is how I made them love the logo and fall in love with their brand

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